For anyone who loves frozen treats, our Frost Roll Instant Ice Cream Maker Pan is a revolutionary kitchen tool bringing you ice cream instantly.
Just pull the Instant Ice Cream Maker Pan from the freezer, add cream, yogurt or milk with your chosen ingredients and make delicious, homemade ice cream!
Have fun with your family while making delicious ice cream. Use healthy ingredients to engrave good habits on your children, they will love it!
Our Medium Size Frost Roll is specially design for kids to love it!🍨👨👩👦👦
Once you freeze the pan overnight, the sealed freezing liquid inside keeps that perfect temperature, so you can just take it out and get ready to serve. No electricity needed!
💡STAY HEALTHY and still enjoy frozen delicious treats that fit into your eating plan using the easy and fun Ice Cream Pan
💡CONTROL THE INGREDIENTS and portions easily
💡MONEY-SAVER You can still enjoy your favorite frozen treat without paying for expensive specialty brands
💡AVOID FOOD ADDITIVES and other unwanted ingredients from store-bought or local shops
🍃NO EXTRA ELECTRICITY NEEDED Because there are no cables and plugs to worry about. The traditional way to make rolls uses A LOT of electricity. With the Frost Roll you will only use the electricity that your fridge uses already! It is better for the environment (and your electricity bills).
Once you have your Frost Roll Click to get access to our recipes.
Frequently asked questions
Question: How long and how much work does it take?
Answer: I am 65 and I found it to be easy. Once it has been in the freezer for a day or more, you take it out and pour your ice cream mixture into it until it's about 3/8 inch deep. It begins to freeze immediately, and after a minute or so you begin to stir/turn it with the supplied tools until it is the consistency you like (soft serve of hard). So it takes less than five minutes for a batch... We usually go ahead and make a second batch and eat it or freeze it for later. I rinse the pan while it's still cold, dry it and return it to the freezer, that way in the summer you can have ice cream every day if you want! I love mine!
By Nev on August 6, 2018
Question: Can you make dairy free ice cream ?? Can I use coconut milk ??
Answer: Yes!! Actually it's the only milk I use and they turn out perfect.
By Nicovic on January 4, 2019
Question: Will this make more than one cup of ice cream at a time?
Answer: I do about a cup and a half at a time. You can pour another batch in while enjoying the first batch or keep putting the finished ice cream in the freezer until you have what you want (within reason of course), I did three batches once and other than each batch taking a little more time, I got four and a half cups.
By Nev on April 6, 2019
Question: How many batches can I make with this before having to refreeze?
Answer: I've only tried one. If you use the recipe that comes with the unit, it makes servings for at least 6 medium dishes. I have not tried another batch. I just stick it in the freezer and can use it again in 6 hours.
By Joan on November 2, 2018
Question: I want to give this as a gift to my best friends family… However, they are all natural organic fed. Will other recipes work? They will sub. ingredient
Answer: We make ours with organic and ingredients and low organic sugar or honey. It works great for that! We live off the grid with a propane fridge with small freezer and this made healthier ice cream possible!
By Nev on March 30, 2018
Question: How long does it have to stay in the freezer before you can reuse it again?
Answer: You can use it 2 or 3 times while it is still frozen, then at least overnight in the freezer before the next batch. I love mine and use it almost every day.
By Janet Ann Jenson on November 24, 2017
Question: Is the pan done being frozen when I shake the pan and there is no water-moving sound? Or will the liquid never fully freeze?
Answer: The pan should be completely frozen with no liquid moving around to make the ice cream. If the liquid does not fully freeze in the pan, you may need to lower the temperature in you freezer to make sure it is cold enough to completely freeze the pan.
By Nev on July 30, 2018
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